OK, so I’m the person who isn’t completely clear on the differences between Maker Education and Design Thinking. I’m getting closer.
Im closer to understanding difference ‘tween #Designthinking & #MakerEd but it’s still murky. If MakerEd helps someone it’s DT? @B_Sheridan
— Vivian 慧雲 (@ChezVivian) November 3, 2015
If you go to the #Designthinking hashtag on twitter, you’ll see a million tweets zipping by. It seems that everyone is using that hashtag, so it’s clear that there are a zillion different ideas of what Design Thinking is. I’ve storified below the tweets I sent out during the live broadcasted google hangout with Dr. John Nash. Ben Sheridan (my Eduro Design Thinking instructor) interviewed him. Anyways, during the hangout interview with Dr. Nash , I understood that Empathy is BIG deal. It’s also about hearing the problem behind what the person is saying. Often, what they think is the problem is not the problem after all. During the Empathy stage of Design Thinking, we uncover this whereas other design cycles just jump to the solution? Anyways, I’m getting closer in my understanding but it’s still murky. I guess I really need to participate in project to “get it”.
So, if students are empathizing and designing to help someone during Maker Education, do these two things alone turn it into Design Thinking?